Diversity Panel
Our field is little known to the grand public hence limiting its access to a large variety of people. In order to have a community representative of our respective societies, we believe that reaching out to the middle school and/or high school level would help make our work known and maybe attract a larger, hence more diverse population.
Indeed, diversity is already an issue at the university level; computer science is not an exception where minorities are underrepresented. We believe that presenting our disciplinary field through a variety of graphics applications and examples of achievements will make known our line of work to kids and teenagers from different social levels or backgrounds. It would encourage them to make choices in their studies towards Computer Graphics related topics, with the natural consequence of our community being more inclusive, richer in diversity and therefore, more accessible to every member of the society.
We know that some of you already participated or advised on such initiatives. By collecting your experiences and ideas, we can help understand and set up an Outreach Manual that provides guidelines to each member of our community who wants to reach out to a young and diverse public.
During the EUROGRAPHICS diversity panel, panellists and the audience will share their experiences and discuss the possible impacts of such initiatives.
Eurographics Diversity Chairs
Diana Arellano, Mackevision, Germany
Noura Faraj, LIRMM, Université de Montpellier, France